Have you ever failed to do an update on your phone or computer, just to realize why the update was recommended? Glitches. Processing speeds. New features. We've all been in a spot with technology where the next best option is a reboot. Turn it off. Turn it back on. Hope for the best. And if the updates and reboots don't work, back to the factory settings we go. Maybe that's one of the best approaches for when we feel stuck—a factory reset. Back to "just us," without all the extras. Back to our sweet spots, the things that make us us, taking action that's in alignment with our natural giftedness may be the easiest path to getting unstuck. The key to getting "unstuck" is related to your Dominant Dimension Each of us are one of the following: a relator, a doer or a thinker. We either lead with relationships, action-taking, or systematic thinking. If we know where we are most dominant, we can more quickly get unstuck by leaning further into that area....