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Big Insights & Small Shifts: A MindScan™ Profile

ProAdvisorCoach’s proprietary MindScan™ Assessment is a powerful behavioral assessment tool based on the work of Nobel Nominee Robert Hartman. The MindScan is designed to measure an individual's value perception and decision-making. It evaluates three dimensions: Systemic (logical and structured thinking), Extrinsic (practical and tangible aspects), and Intrinsic (emotional and relational values). By assessing how individuals prioritize and perceive these dimensions, the MindScan identifies areas of bias (distorted value perceptions) and clarity (accurate value perceptions), revealing insights into personal development and potential for growth.

Below, Coach Bryan Hendley provides an example of how the MindScan can be used to understand an individual’s value system, reveal areas of self-doubt, track progress, and help them achieve their goals.

One of the most interesting things about the MindScan is that it is a dynamic tool, for both the coach and the individual being coached. It doesn’t tell individuals who they are; instead, it informs them, and the coach, about their thought patterns, both conscious and unconscious. 

There are two great encouragements we can provide, because of the dynamic nature of the MindScan. 

  1. It brings awareness to our thought patterns and how they impact our internal and external worlds, including our work, relationships and decision making. 
  2. It shows us areas that can be potential blind spots, and provides us a baseline for our coaching and our growth. 

Typically, we have individuals take the MindScan every four months or so. Depending on our baseline, we may or may not see big spikes of change from one time to the next. With some individuals, who may have much lower clarity or bias in certain areas, it is not uncommon to see big shifts after a period of dedicated coaching. For others, the change in the MindScan, and the growth in the indiviual, may be more subtle, but no less profound. 

Recently, I hit the 5-month mark with a individual who works in the financial services industry, and was excited to have her retake the MindScan and see how her thinking had changed during our time together. 


For some quick context… she was serving as a relationship coordinator with her firm, and slowly working her way to becoming an advisor. As we started our time together, she was uncertain about her future with the company, not because of the company, but because she was doubting her abilities, unsure if she would be able to cut it and lacking confidence in her earning potential. All things that are very normal for many people as they start a new role. 

Through our initial conversation and our first month or so of working together, we got crystal clear on where she was, where she wanted to be, and what might get in the way. We identified areas in which she was lacking in confidence or certainty. We discussed some big goals for herself personally and professionally. And we looked at some different areas of her MindScan to see where her current thought patterns might be serving her, holding her back, or may indicate some opportunity that she might be leaving on the table. 

Action Plan

From there, we determined what it was we wanted to focus on in our work together. For her, there were some specific goals that included passing the necessary exams, increasing her earning potential, and creating a work schedule that aligned with her family time. 

Tactically, we then created some new habits to support these goals, and co-created some critical actions/tracking to make sure we stayed on track as we moved forward. These included carving out intentional time to study and protecting that time on her calendar, creating a referral process that generated new opportunities and aligned with the type of advisor she wants to be, and putting up boundaries around her time so she honored both her work and her family. 


All of this is cyclical, so the Achievement Phase is not a place of arrival or completion, but another benchmark to check in on how well we’ve executed our plan and where we are on our stated goals. 

Fast forward to the second MindScan. She had passed her licensing exams, started to take on a more prominent role within the team, had begun leading meetings with clients as compared to being an observer, and had even started to share some strategies that we had worked on together with the team. During this time, she had received many words of encouragement and affirmation from her team and her clients, and had begun to see herself, her role, and her future differently. 

Let’s take a look at the two MindScans to see how they changed...

In the Initial MindScan, you’ll notice that while her Role Awareness clarity is very good, her bias in that dimension is low. Being new in her role, she thinks she can do the job, but there is some uncertainty, and she believes that she is capable of more than what she is currently doing. 

With several months of work together, in the Followup MindScan, you can see a significant jump in her Role Awareness bias, and also an increased clarity in that area. This is due, in large part, to her working on and passing her exams, her role increasing within her team, and developing new strategies to serve her clients that were then utilized within her team. Her credibility, both with her team and with her internal self has increased.

Further, you see that her self-direction, while already a high bias, has increased in clarity, as her new confidence and clarity in her work ties into her clarity for her future self. 

Again, while we can certainly see the shifts in bias and clarity, they may look small to the outside observer. But they have been significant to her in terms of her beliefs, mindset, approach, and her outcomes. 

It should be of great encouragement, to all of us, that we can make big, important changes with a consistent commitment to small shifts in our thoughts and actions, over a period of time.

It all starts with awareness, and ultimate awareness starts with the MindScan! 

Get a Free MindScan™ Assessment, Report, and Coaching Session ($500 Value)!

Get access to the actionable insights that the MindScan™ assessment delivers and receive a complimentary coaching session to review the results (a $500 value)!

Take the MindScan™ Free >>

Dive a Little Deeper into the MindScan™ Assessment!

We invite you to dive a little deeper into the power of the MindScan™ Assessment by reading the following recent posts:

Coach Bryan Hendley's background includes a variety of experiences working with a diverse set of individuals and teams. Throughout his career, Bryan has demonstrated a consistent ability to connect people, develop goals, and coach others towards their potential. Bryan’s experiences include work in education, athletics, and hands-on experience in starting, building, and managing successful small businesses. His career has been highlighted by his passion for people, building relationships, and serving others. Coaching has allowed Bryan to harness his experiences and strengths and serve his clients with a warm, encouraging, honest demeanor that helps them see what’s possible, design a plan, and take meaningful action towards the things that matter most. 

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