ProAdvisorCoach’s proprietary MindScan™ Assessment is a powerful behavioral assessment tool based on the work of Nobel Nominee Robert Hartman. The MindScan is designed to measure an individual's value perception and decision-making. It evaluates three dimensions: Systemic (logical and structured thinking), Extrinsic (practical and tangible aspects), and Intrinsic (emotional and relational values). By assessing how individuals prioritize and perceive these dimensions, the MindScan identifies areas of bias (distorted value perceptions) and clarity (accurate value perceptions), revealing insights into personal development and potential for growth. Below, Coach Bryan Hendley provides an example of how the MindScan can be used to understand an individual’s value system, reveal areas of self-doubt, track progress, and help them achieve their goals. One of the most interesting things about the MindScan is that it is a dynamic tool, for both the coach and the individual being coached. It d...
Think about this scenario. You’re walking with a friend, and a dog on a leash suddenly starts barking at you, but ignores your companion. What’s going on? It’s not always about something obvious—your clothes, your posture, or anything immediately visible. Often, it’s about something unseen: the energy you’re projecting. Just like a dog can sense fear, even if you’re trying to hide it, we unconsciously project a whole range of emotions, insecurities, and judgments onto the world around us. This process, known as projection, has a powerful impact on our interactions and how we perceive reality. It’s like wearing invisible glasses that tint everything we see. Projection operates largely unconsciously, meaning we're often unaware we're doing it, yet it can significantly impact our relationships, hindering clear communication and creating unnecessary conflict. In our lives and our jobs, projection can sabotage our efforts, holding us back from taking risks and achieving our goals. A...